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Engineer a large boost in sales and leads in days with our Google AdWords Strategy

Looking to grow your business? Try our tailormade Google Ads strategy to triple your ROAS.

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Tempest Digital – Results don’t come easy.

Are you looking for Instant Leads?

What differentiates us from the competition is making sure your business does the same. We specialise in finding the core strengths and unique selling points of your business to build a campaign you shouldn’t ever pause on Google.


A heavily researched cost-effective campaign that drives the right customers to your business to ensure the leads heavily outmatch the cost of your campaign.

Google Shopping

E-Commerce is booming and we want to make sure your business is too. Our Google shopping campaign showcases your products with our only priority of making sure your product is on its way for delivery.

Landing Pages

This is a big one, customers are swayed by emotion, urgency and a strong call to action. This is a key difference between a conversion and exit of a landing page. We make sure it’s the first one.


Brand awareness is key and can be a cost-effective way of reaching customers. It also allows you track performance and provide a larger scope of our strategy of ensuring two key components of our ad’s strategy, brand recognition and purchasing power.

Don’t miss out on a powerful online presence with Google Ads

Why Choose Tempest Digital to help grow your business with Google Ads?

Boost in Traffic

Google Ads as a service is a powerful channel to introduce a large influx of traffic on your website. We are experts in tailoring your keywords to the right demographic that is relevant to your business.

Lead Generation & Revenue

Google Ads has the capability to deliver instant results with the right optimisation and strategy. With the right target audience, you can expect business growth like no other.

Return on Investment

What makes us different to all other digital marketing agencies is our forefront in ROI. Our seasoned specialists are transparent and prioritise on key insights and bidding to ensure each keyword is delivering the right results to its fullest capacity.

Brand Recognition

With Tempest Digital, we develop a personal business plan providing guidance and how you can recapture all audiences on Google Ads to ensure you receive the full benefit on Google Ads, not just the clicks and revenue, we provide the full package.


Tempest Digital – Results don’t come easy.

Key benefits of working with Tempest Digital for Google AdWords

Industry Leading Best Practices

Our in-house local team in Sydney is highly skilled in implementing countless strategies and tactics to ensure your Google AdWords campaigns are performing on the highest standard possible. These include using single keyword ad groups, incorporating advanced negative keywords, utilising conversion bidding, employing ad extensions and sitelinks and applying tracking code programs to ensure spam is minimal. What makes Tempest digital the fastest growing agency in Sydney is ensuring we are using all marketing tools alongside expertise to educate and discuss on a weekly basis what we need from you to ensure your business grows. By following these best practices, we can help you get the most out of every dollar you invest in AdWords.

Tempest Digital – Results don’t come easy.

Key benefits of working with Tempest Digital for Google AdWords.

We love data, more than the Google dashboard.

Our customised marketing tools provide deeper insight into your targeting audience, by doing this we not only provide you clicks and impressions but the demographics, which ad copy is the highest performer and why and how users specifically engage with each of your landing pages through the use of AI and heatmaps.


Ready to take your Business to the next level?

We let out results speak for ourselves, and at Tempest Digital you will receive more than just a Google Ads Management Service

Website & Audit Recommendations

Daily monitoring and optimisation

A conversion rate optimisation report

No lock-in contracts

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